Persistent weight gain, dry skin, menstrual irregularities, cold intolerance, memory loss, thinning hair…
If this sounds like you, your thyroid may be struggling and could be underactive.
The thyroid plays a vital role in metabolism, growth, mood, cardiovascular health, digestive function and brain development. Given that the thyroid then essentially influences every part of your body, any underactivity will bring on a multitude of symptoms.
Natural Clinic Clinical Guide to Hypothyroidism
Book your appointment with a qualified practitioner who will…
Work with you to determine any underlying thyroid autoimmunity
Assess for, and treat imbalance in gut bacteria as a key driving factor for hypothyroidism
Provide expert dietary and lifestyle coaching to heal your gut lining and normalise the immune response
Give you access to practitioner-grade nutritional and herbal medicine tailored to you to correct pathways involved in thyroid activity
Book here to help your thyroid.
Book AppointmentTo learn more about the condition and kickstart the healing process, read on for our Natural Clinic Clinical Guide to Hypothyroidism
Natural Clinic Hypothyroidism Consult: $75
Natural Clinic Clinical Guide to Hypothyroidism
First of all, what does the thyroid do?
The thyroid is a master gland that produces hormones to regulate the metabolic processes of the gut, heart, liver, kidney, and muscles.

Thyrotropin releasing hormone (TRH) is produced by the hypothalamus, which stimulates the production and release of thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) by the pituitary gland. The thyroid hormone cascade is dependent on sufficient iodine levels which come from diet.
TSH allows for hormone secretion of thyroxine T4 (85-90%) and triiodothyronine T3 (10-15%). T3 is the active thyroid hormone, whereas T4 is part of a self-regulatory negative feedback loop which functions to reduce TRH and pituitary production of TSH. T4 circulates in the body and is converted to active T3 as needed, but this can only occur with the right minerals and nutrients available.
If the conversion is not happening successfully, T4 is in excess and is converted to reverse T3 (rT3), which stops active T3 from getting to the cells. This tricks your body into thinking that it needs more thyroid hormones and the thyroid gland becomes overworked and exhausted.
Your thyroid may not be functioning properly due to nutrient deficiencies and gut disturbances affecting the production line above. It also may be due to fasting or starvation, systemic illness, and adjunctive health conditions.
More commonly, it is a result of Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, a form of autoimmune hypothyroidism that occurs when antibodies attack the tissue in the thyroid gland, causing reduced thyroid hormone production.

Low levels of iodine, selenium, and vitamins A, D and E will affect thyroid function and increase risk of autoimmunity.
Increased inflammatory markers due to systemic inflammation decreases serum T3 and increases rT3, inducing a hypothyroid state and driving a state of autoimmunity.
Oxidative stress within the thyroid gland not only induces DNA damage and destruction of thyroid cells, but inhibits iodide intake to disrupt thyroid hormone production.
Increased cortisol will both suppress TSH and increase the conversion of T4 to non-active rT3, having a double negative effect on thyroid hormone production.
Dysbiosis and a leaky gut wall has a bi-directional relationship with the thyroid. It drives autoimmunity and systemic inflammation to induce a state of underactivity or Hashimoto’s, and an underactive thyroid affects stool transit time which eventually results in overgrowth of pathogenic bacteria in the gut.
Coeliac disease and gluten sensitivity is highly correlated with autoimmune thyroiditis.
Bacterial and viral infections are strong triggers of autoimmune thyroiditis in susceptive individuals.
Dysbiosis and a leaky gut wall has a bi-directional relationship with the thyroid. It drives autoimmunity and systemic inflammation to induce a state of underactivity or Hashimoto’s, and an underactive thyroid affects stool transit time which eventually results in overgrowth of pathogenic bacteria in the gut.
Coeliac disease and gluten sensitivity is highly correlated with autoimmune thyroiditis.
Bacterial and viral infections are strong triggers of autoimmune thyroiditis in susceptive individuals.
Find out what is driving your underactive thyroid with a one-on-one consultation today.
Remove the guessing-game and get resultsHow your diet plays a role
The food on your plate should emphasise anti-inflammatory food groups and promote healthy intake of nutrients to support thyroid hormone production.

Pharmaceutical and conventional treatments for hypothyroidism
- Levothyroxine: synthetic form of the thyroid hormone thyroxine to replace inadequate levels of T4 in the body.
Natural treatments to manage Hypothyroidism and Hashimoto’s
An essential cofactor for the production of thyroid hormones. Use of iodine should only occur once testing results have confirmed deficiency, and dosage should be determined by your practitioner.
We recommend Orthoplex Green Iodine
Selenium deficiency is associated with hypothyroidism, and selenium supplementation can both improve thyroid hormone production and reduce thyroid antibodies in Hashimoto’s.
We recommend Bioceuticals Selenium Drops
Zinc deficiency is associated with hypothyroidism, and zinc supplementation supports healthy thyroid hormone production. In combination with selenium, zinc enhances thyroid function in Hashimoto’s.
We recommend Orthoplex Green Zinc Citrate
Directly induces thyroid hormones at the glandular level, improves conversion of T4 to T3, and improves the overall stress response to reduce risk of autoimmunity.
Nature’s Sunshine Withania
Reduces inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract and modules the gut-immune axis, helping to reduce autoimmune presentations of the thyroid. Probiotic supplementation will attenuate dysbiosis that may be driving Hashimoto’s.
We recommend Designs for Health Probiomed

Thyroid Lift Nutritional Compound
Tired of taking multiple supplements for your thyroid symptoms?
Let us narrow it down to one that works. A custom-made, compounded product formulated only for you.
Hypothyroidism can have multiple causes and that’s why you often need to use multiple products.
We can compound ONE product that contains all the ingredients you need for optimal thyroid function, at therapeutic dosages specific to your health needs.

The benefits:
- Ease & convenience of taking only one supplement
- Your body is unique to you. Your medicine should also be unique to you.
- Avoid the inconcenience of supplements in your protocol running out at different times.
- Dosing is specific to your metabolic needs & deficiencies.
- Formula can be adjusted over time to support each stage of the healing process.