If you are battling with ongoing acid reflux, heartburn and indigestion and not finding any relief, feel at ease with our integrative solutions.
While traditional thinking was that reflux was caused by too much stomach acid, we now know that in many cases reflux and heartburn may be caused by too little stomach acid. Finding the causes of why there is insufficient stomach acid and correcting these is essential to provide long-lasting relief of reflux.
Natural Clinic Clinical Guide to Reflux
Book your appointment with a qualified practitioner who will…
Work with you to determine underlying food intolerances and sensitivities
Assess for, and treat imbalance in gut bacteria as a key driving factor for reflux
Provide expert dietary and lifestyle coaching to heal your gut lining and optimise digestive function
Give you access to practitioner-grade nutritional and herbal medicine tailored to you to provide relief of indigestion
Book here to stop your heartburn.
Book AppointmentTo learn more about the condition and kickstart the healing process, read on for our Natural Clinic Clinical Guide to Reflux.
Natural Clinic Reflux Consult: $75
Natural Clinic Clinical Guide to Reflux

Reflux, heartburn, and indigestion are all indications of Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD). Characteristics of GERD include regurgitation, burning pain in the stomach that moves up to the oesophagus and throat, chest pain, excess saliva, and the sensation that there is a lump of food sitting in the stomach.
The digestive tract is intended to be a one-way path, with muscles that act as doors to prevent backward movement. As you can imagine, or may have experienced, reversed movement of acid and food up the gastrointestinal tract causes significant discomfort. GERD is one of the most common digestive complaints in Australia, and if left untreated can cause inflammation and erosion of the oesophagus, as well as Barrett’s Oesophagus. The idea then, is that we treat reflux and heartburn before these more pathological processes develop.
Histamine intolerance causes aggravation and inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract, affecting digestive processes from the mouth all the way through to the colon. Reflux is a key symptom of histamine reactivity.
Smoking directly provokes reflux, and reduces lower oesophageal sphincter tone so that stomach acid flows freely backward into the oesphagus.
Too little stomach acid is one of the most common drivers of reflux. Low stomach acid reduces gastric emptying and reduces the breakdown of food in the gut, meaning food is sitting in the stomach for longer and places more pressure on the oesphageal sphincter.
Overgrowth of pathogenic bacteria and insufficient levels of beneficial bacteria in the gut are linked to increased reflux events. Compounding this is the effects of leaky gut syndrome, where food is not broken down properly and causes fermentation in the gut, triggering reflux.
Being overweight puts extra pressure on the valves and sphincters that control the release of acid and reduces the ability of the sphincter to stop food from travelling back up the gastrointestinal tract into the oesophagus.
Food sensitivities and allergies complicate digestive processes and affect both gastric acid production and gastric emptying, exacerbating reflux and heartburn. Common food sensitivities that aggravate reflux include wheat, yeast, and dairy.
Coffee and alcohol increase acid secretions and reduces lower oesophageal pressure. Basically, the perfect recipe for food to travel back up the gastrointestinal tract in a reflux event.
Overgrowth of pathogenic bacteria and insufficient levels of beneficial bacteria in the gut are linked to increased reflux events. Compounding this is the effects of leaky gut syndrome, where food is not broken down properly and causes fermentation in the gut, triggering reflux.
Being overweight puts extra pressure on the valves and sphincters that control the release of acid and reduces the ability of the sphincter to stop food from travelling back up the gastrointestinal tract into the oesophagus.
Food sensitivities and allergies complicate digestive processes and affect both gastric acid production and gastric emptying, exacerbating reflux and heartburn. Common food sensitivities that aggravate reflux include wheat, yeast, and dairy.
Coffee and alcohol increase acid secretions and reduces lower oesophageal pressure. Basically, the perfect recipe for food to travel back up the gastrointestinal tract in a reflux event.
Find out what is driving your reflux with a one-on-one consultation today.
Remove the guessing-game and get results.How your diet plays a role

Pharmaceutical and conventional treatments for reflux
- Antacids to neutralize stomach acids for quick relief. It is recommended not to stay on these long-term.
- H-2 Blockers to decrease stomach acid production.
- Proton pump inhibitors to block stomach acid production.
Natural treatments to manage your reflux
To coat the digestive tract, soothe inflamed tissues and protect the oesophagus from the acidic contents of the stomach.
High dose of beneficial strains to correct bacterial imbalance in the gut that may be driving reflux symptoms. Probiotics also increase mucin production in the gut for tissue protection, improve digestion, increase gastric emptying to reduce pressure on sphincter, and improve overall tone of the gastrointestinal tract.
Works to decrease histamine reactions in the gut that may be driving reflux symptoms. As a potent polyphenol, quercetin will help reduce oxidative stress and inflammation in both the gut lining and the oesophagus.
Licorice root tea has demulcent effects, soothing the whole gastrointestinal tract from the oesophagus right through to the bowels. It is anti-inflammatory and has been effectively used for reflux throughout history. If you have high blood pressure, we recommend switching to marshmallow root tea.
To prime your digestive tract and increase food break-down for optimal nutrient absorption. Digestive enzymes will help prevent food from fermenting in the stomach by assisting metabolism, to reduce reflux episodes.

Reflux Relief Nutritional Compound
We can compound your very own, individualised nutritional formula with nutrients and therapeutic dosages to increase your immunity.
Invest in a product designed for you- a product not available anywhere else.
Speak to one of our practitioners for access to your very own custom nutritional formula to reduce frequency and severity of reflux events.

The benefits:
- Ease & convenience of taking only one supplement
- Your body is unique to you. Your medicine should also be unique to you.
- Avoid the inconcenience of supplements in your protocol running out at different times.
- Dosing is specific to your metabolic needs & deficiencies.
- Formula can be adjusted over time to support each stage of the healing process.
Speak to one of our practitioners.
Book NowStop reflux once and for all
Book your Natural Clinic Reflux Consult for professional advice.
Natural Clinic Reflux Consult: $75
Kohata, Y., Fujiwara, Y., Watanabe, T., Kobayashi, M., Takemoto, Y., et al. (2016). Long-Term Benefits of Smoking Cessation on Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease and Health-Related Quality of Life. PLOS ONE 11(2).
Cheng, J., & Ouwehand, A.C. (2020). Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease and Probiotics: A Systematic Review. Nutrients, 12(1).