Post Viral Syndrome / Long COVID
Just when you think that you have overcome a virus, your body decides to present with lingering symptoms of fatigue, a general unwell feeling, digestive complaints, skin issues, and cognitive impairment. Let us help you beat the virus once and for all.
Natural Clinic Post Viral Syndrome Consult: $75
Book your appointment with a qualified practitioner who will…
Work with you to discover underlying metabolic imbalances
Reveal nutrient deficiencies driving low immunity
Provide expert dietary and lifestyle coaching to optimate detoxification of virus proteins
Give you access to practitioner-grade nutritional and herbal medicine tailored to you
Book here to help your body win the fight.
Book AppointmentTo learn more about Post-Viral Syndrome and how to overcome viral fatigue, read on for our Natural Clinic Clinical Guide to Post Viral Syndrome
Natural Clinic Clinical Guide to Post Viral Syndrome
Post-Viral Syndrome is affecting a huge percentage of the population today with the circulation of COVID-19. Post-viral symptoms can be complex, and the duration of these presentations will vary between individuals. Interestingly, the severity of post-viral symptoms is often not equivalent to the severity of the virus itself.

Post- viral syndrome is not by any means new, and can occur after any acute viral infection. It refers to the sustained presence of symptoms following an infection, commonly manifesting in fatigue, as well as neurological, psychological and gastroenterological complications. Other signs and symptoms include:
- Musculoskeletal pain
- Low mood
- Neurocognitive disturbances
- Poor concentration
- Digestive dysfunction
Undernutrition and nutritional deficiencies impair immune function, increasing susceptibility to viral infection and hindering innate immune processes of clearing the virus from the body.
A healthy gut microbiome with sufficient levels of Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium species is associated with increased viral immunity and an enhanced immune response to viral infections. Conversely, high levels of pathogenic bacteria and low levels of beneficial species weakens the host immunity and increases susceptibility for post-viral symptoms.
The mucous membrane of the gut serves as a vital barrier to pathogenic viruses and bacteria. When there is degradation of the gut lining, viruses can increasingly infiltrate other body systems and circulate through the blood system to have long-lasting effects.
Viral load refers to the total measure of viral particles inside the individual. Longer post-viral symptoms are associated with a high viral load in the body due to an increased burden on the immune system.
Stress, particular chronic stress is associated with higher levels of inflammation and dysregulation in immune function, and a loss of control over viral response in the body. Ongoing stress will hinder the body in recovering from the virus, worsening post-viral symptoms.

How your diet plays a role
An optimal nutritional status is fundamental to support immune function in the body and reduce any inflammatory processes associated with post-viral syndrome.

Sufficient protein intake
Sufficient protein intake with each meal to ensure healthy immunoglobulin / antibody production to enhance recovery: lean, white meats (fish, chicken), moderate consumption of grass-fed red meat, and vegetarian proteins (tofu, tempeh, legumes), eggs.

Include dietary prebiotic fibres
Dietary prebiotic fibres to foster the growth of immune-enhancing bacteria in the gut microbiome: green banana starch, inulin, dandelion & chicory root, PHGG.

Polyphenol rich foods
Polyphenol rich foods to reduce oxidative stress of viral load & enhance T & B cell activity: cacao, organic berries, olive oil, citrus, turmeric, apples, green tea.

Increase healthy fats and oils
Healthy fats and oils for the omega-3 content to reduce any low-grade inflammation driving post-viral symptoms: fish, olive oil, ghee, grass-fed meat, avocado oil, walnuts, macadamias.
Natural Treatments to Manage Post-Viral Syndrome
To decrease viral load, enhance apoptosis of infected cells, reduce oxidative stress, and assist healing of the gastrointestinal tract.
To replenish glutathione stores, increase response of immune cells, and decrease the effects of virus-induced cell death and oxidative stress.
To assist recovery from illness, relieve feelings of malaise and fatigue, and to stimulate physical and mental stamina.
To stimulate an effective immune response to overcome the virus, increase overall immunity, and relieve residual cold and flu symptoms.
To boost gut microflora to enhance immune response, heal the intestinal lining of the gut, and to restore a healthy microbiome post-virus.
For its anti-viral effects, and its capacity to stimulate innate immune responses while decreasing viral-associated inflammation and oxidative damage.

Anti-Viral Nutritional Compound

We can compound your very own, individualised nutritional formula with nutrients and therapeutic dosages to increase your immunity.
Invest in a product designed for you- a product not available anywhere else.
Speak to one of our practitioners for access to your very own custom nutritional formula to reduce post-viral symptoms of fatigue, malaise and cognitive impairment.
Let us help you get back to your pre-COVID self.
Book your Natural Clinic Post-Viral Consult for professional advice.
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